Saturday 8 June 2013

Customer Profitability and Lifetime Value Analysis

As the growth of customer-centric strategic management become more beneficial to the company, thus there's an increasing needs to assess customer profitability and value.

Customer Profitability Analysis (CPA):
  • Based on the principal of Activity Based Accounting (ABC).
  • Takes into account the profitability of product mix purchased by customers and customer-driven costs generated by servicing these customers.
  • Another way to understand how resources can be allocated most effectively to cultivate the most profitable customers.
  • Ability to price on basis of cost-to serve a particular customer or segment.
  • Nature and targeting of advertising and marketing campaigns (to target profitable customer segments).
  • Reconfiguring & classifying a firm's customer portfolio.
Strength & Weaknesses of CPA:
  • Strength:
    • Focus better on customers and generate greater SHV: optimise allocation of scarce resources, pricing decisions, discount (when necessary). concede permanent loss customers.
  • Weakness:
    • Static, single period snapshot of customer profitability.
    • Historical performance only.
    • Does not consider how customer profitability may change over time.
Types of customer to consider:
  • High Profitability & Short Term Customers --> Butterflies
    • Good fit between company's offering and customer's needs.
    • High profit potential
    • Action:
      • Aim to achieve transactional satisfaction, not attitudinal loyalty.
      • Milk the accounts only as long as they are active.
      • Key challenge is to cease investing soon enough.
  • High Profitability & Long Term Customers --> True Friends
    • Good fit between company's offering and customer's needs.
    • Highest profit potential
    • Actions:
      • Communicate consistently but not too often.
      • Build both attitudinal and behavioural loyalty.
      • Delight this customers to nurture, defend and retain them.
  • Low Profitability & Short Term Customers --> Strangers
    • Little fit between company's offerings and customers needs.
    • Lowest profit potential
    • Actions:
      • Make no investment in these relationship.
      • Make profit on every transactions.
  • Low Profitability & Long Term Customers --> Barnacles
    • Little fit between company's offerings and customers needs.
    • Low profit potential
    • Actions:
      • Measure both the size and share of wallet.
      • If share of wallet is low, focus on cross-selling and up-selling.
      • If size of wallet is small, impose strict cost controls.

Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Focus on multi period, future oriented economic value rather than single period profitability of customer/segment.
  • Measured as the present value of net expected future cash flows that are expected over the life time of firm's relationship with a customer.
Pros and Cons of LTV:
  • Advantages :
    • Future oriented
    • Multi-period analysis
    • Considers relative profitability changes according to the customer's lifecycle stage with the firm
    • Considers impact of tenure on value a customer represents.
  • Limitations :
    • Not as well-grounded as CPA (not based on ABC concepts)
    • Difficult to estimate impact of LTV factors
    • Difficult to operationalise some of LTV factors.

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